Mon 06 Jan
🔴🔴🔴Red Head Busty Curvy Transexual Cayenne Visiting Now🚨♨⛽ - 27
(Chesapeake, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Virginia Beach, Virginia Beach/Surrounding)
Beautiful white transexual meeting today in the va beach/norfolk area. New pics taken yesterday
(norfoll/va beach)
WhY SeTTLe *4 * FouR StaRz * WheN YoU CouLd HaVe *5 * StaRz ~ QuaLiTy iS aLwaYz SuiTabLe ~
(iNcaLL / OuTcaLL aFForDabLe RaTez 24/7)
Military Welcome! 💕✨ Enticing Exotic Mixed 💋 Upscale Bombshell 💫with Amazing Specials 💕💕✨ - 21
(Norfolk, Downtown Norfolk/Waterside)
New in town (420 Trades) 😘💋💎Just Visiting ⭐ 💕 💯% ReaL 💕💎 Slim Waist 💕 Pretty Face 💕 A + Lip Game! - 23
(Norfolk, Norfolk / VA Beach)
LAST NIGHT - New -:¦:- AMAZING ~ -:¦:- MIND ((B.L.O.W.I.N.G )) -:¦:- Ebony - Call NOW - 24
(Norfolk Airport & Surrounding)
█ █ * H : : O : : T _ ✖ _ 1 : : O : : O : : * █ █ - 25
°•❤•° Hot like FIRE °•❤•° °•❤•° What's YOUR DESIRE? °•❤•° 50 special - 22
(Norfolk, Hampton blvd 50 specials)
☆ Come♡¤ Let Eden sh¡ne her HeadLights on you ¤ ◇Princess of the Universe◇ ♥Specials for boys!! - 25
(Norfolk, Norfolk vb)
Sun 05 Jan
💎 Pretty & Petite 💎 757-945-3398 - 22
(7 cities, Chesapeake, Hampton, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Virginia Beach)
💋💋50 HH Specials💋💋💋Latina BBW 💋💋Spend Some Time with Angel💗💗Military WelcoMe💗💗 - 33
(Norfolk, Norfolk / Oceanview Incall)
It's about to get cold, let Lexis warm you up today or tonight! - 28
(Norfolk, Norfolk, VA Beach, Chesapeake)
TS Chanel, Back by you demand! The President's Choice!! check me out! new, With sweet deals - 28
(off n hampton and independence)
BIGGER IS ALWAYS BETTER -------------- Visiting Now! ------- & 32D Boobs!!! - 22
(Norfolk, Norfolk, VA)
x X x...*(*S E X Y*)*...x X x...*(*C U R V Y*)*...x X x...*(PLAYBUNNY * )*...x X x - 23
(richmond and surounding areas)
New !! ★••••• ♡Real!😊 Korean Cutie ♡ •••$80QV Special•• ★[ 9am-2:30pm & 5:30pm-7pm!!]★★ - 27
(Norfolk, ⭐🔸N military hwy🔸⭐ (by airport))
~ೋ ~ BeautifuL ೋ EXTRAVAGANT ೋ BreathtakinG ~ೋ - 26
☎coмe мake this sweet foreign kiTTy ρÜЯЯЯ ρaρi.. sweet&juicy; lips🍒👄Avail after 6! - 22
(Norfolk, Virginia Beach)
-:|:- Independent & Curvy -:|:- Weekend Military Specials 24/7 - 21
(Norfolk, outcalls/military hwy incalls)
Sat 04 Jan
____ _____ ____ ____ ____ ____ "ALL" "AMERICAN " "BLONDE"____ ____ _______ - 22
(Green Brier / Mall Area)
ALL NeWW!! *BRaZiLiAN BeauTY* SWeeT, LuSCiOuS & FReaKy... CHoCoLATe PuDDiNG~ SO T@$Ty **ALL NiTe** - 25
(Military Pkwy... IN & OUT ALL NITE!!)
The HOTTEST Blonde Playmates BP Has To Offer 100% Real With Full GFE Sessions Let Us BLOW Your Mind
! (•.¸ ★¸.•) NO ONE -:¦:-DOES IT -:¦:- LIKE ME 100% REal Y0uR fANTaSy $ BlakBarbie@$ - 24
(Norfolk, military circle mall norfolk va beach)
💋New 🎓College Freak👅Snuck out the BACK😙...Come join me😍 - 19
(Norfolk, Va Beach, Norfolk, Virginia Beach)
Fri 03 Jan
A Secret TREASURE Hunt For You.. Shemale kinky Kylie 💋 New For U👑💣💣💣 - 26
(Norfolk, Norfolk/va beach)
{{New}} ____ SeXy, MiXxxed & Oh Soo Sw33T tHiCk CuRvY Ebony Treat ____ LeTs MeeT! ((100-120-180)) - 19
(NOrTh MiLiTarY hiGHWaY)
You Can't Go Wrong With A Thick Juicy Chocolate Girl We Get The Job Done - 21
(Norfolk, Norfolk /Va Beach)
★▇█▇█▇█▇★ EXOTIC BUNNY★▇█▇█▇█▇★ NeW In ToWn ★▇█▇█▇█▇★ SEXY ★ BUSTY★▇█▇█▇█▇ - 19
(Norfolk, N O R F O L K IN/OUTCALLS 24/7)
♥♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ I Pr0mIsE -:¦:-I'm Da BeST U -:¦:- EvEr HaD ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥♥ $60 $p3cS - 22
(Norfolk, in and out if close 2 girls SpeCs 2!)
I'm the Best What i Do not like Rest👙🍆100%hung White meaT🍆Vers top/bottom available . - 34
(Norfolk, norfolk incall/outcalls available, Virginia Beach)