Thu 02 Jan
59$ Come Taste My Reese and Let's play. 59$ - 22
(Norfolk, north Hampton blvd,military hwy call now)
Atlanta's💋 PREMIERE TREASURE!! Exploring Your Erotic 🍒 PLEASURES!!! ( First Time Visiting ) - 27
(Charlottesville, VISITING 24/7 NOW!!!)
HEY YALL MILITARY SPECIAL rates Beautiful Southern DOLL 36 C WITH 9 THE HUNT Ends HERE - 25
(no roommates nice home not a hotel)
COME All First timers ) Dl Dueds ) Lady boi Luvers) 100% Real ) 9HUNG ) VISITING)! - 24
(Norfolk, Norfolk/Va.Beach Area.....)
:¦:- €XTR€M€L¥ ~*-:¦:-*~ S € D U C † i V € ~*-:¦:-*~ DANG€ROURSL¥ ~*-:¦:-*~ ADDiCTiNG -:¦: - - - 20
(Norfolk, virginia beach/Norfolk *OUTCALLS ONLY*)
* * UlTiMaTe * * SaTiSfAcTiOn * ** ♥* ViSiTiNg * DoN't MiSs ThIs BuStY CuRvY BeAuTy * - 23
TS. KELLY & REAL GIRL Haley we aim to raise the bar in Elite Service see one are both 80.00 - 25
[×X×] * [×X×] *Rainy Day Blues? Let Me Put A Smile On Your Face!!!* [×X×] * [×X×] - 26
(yOuR pLaCe!!!)
((¯`'·.¸ ♔¸.·'´¯) Pleasing is MY Pleasure & I aim TO Please (¯`'·.¸ ♔¸.·'´¯) **SPECIALS!!!** - 22
(Norfolk, Norfolk incalls and outcalls)
NEW*¨¨*:: * __*SXY* __ ×°x°× _ :BLONDE ♥ : PLAYMAT _×°x°× __ HiGHLY ADDiCTiVE __*::*¨¨* - 24
Ms Jackson If you Nasty Ready to PleaaSsxsee UUUuuuu in/out calls - 25
(Norfolk, Hampton Roads inbound/outbound calls)
**•°o♥•° H—O—T — T •°o♥•°• SEXY •°o♥•° B—R—U—N—E—T—T—E - *-*-* PLAYMATE - 22
(Norfolk, Virginia Beach .. Norfolk! { in&out; })
[60] [SW££T &S;£XY] Thick Chocolate BEAUTY [VeRY FReaKY GiRL] BiG PHaT BooTY* [] [60}Specials - 25
(Norfolk, Norfolk /Va beach)
▄▀°•☆° ೋ ALANA TAYLOR: I AM Available!! Let's get together...°• ☆° ೋ ♥•-:¦:-•▄▀ - 21
(Norfolk, Norfolk/Virginia Beach)
{48ddd sexxxy young thick thing} ___ MiLitary Discount and $80 specials ___ Available in NEWPORT NEW - 19
(nORTH HamPton blvd Incall)
@#$%&* let us keep u warm n Cozy while taken u to ecstasy 4 lil kittens love to plz @#$%&* - 25
(Norfolk, military highway in calls n out)
~¡°60 specials ¡!~ AtL's sExIeSt n mOsT bIgGeSt AzZ dAt'lL hAvE u MeZmArIzEd ¡!100% AlL mE °~! - 69
(Norfolk, Northampton blvd in calls)
Ms. eXotiC (Blk n Italian) New () miXxed Mami == Twister tonGue == Pull my hair if you Dare - 20
NEW GIRL ★••••• ♡ The Perfect Asian Treat ♡ ••••• ★[ Avail Now!!]★★ - 27
(Norfolk, virginia(norfolk) by the airport)
Mature and sexy MS...KEshA ..30 top cvr only NO TEXTING!!! - 28
(Norfolk, Military Hwy Military Hwy)
I'm bringing SEXY back! Richmond April 24-28 Charlottesville April 28-30 L@@K - 50
(Charlottesville, Chesapeake, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Richmond, Richmond/Charlottesville, Roanoke, Southwest Virginia, Suffolk, Virginia Beach)