Fri 03 Jan
After work Relaxation! *Incall & Military Specials* Busty caramel juicy friut - 21
(Norfolk, Norf // VaB Incalls)
💋💋CerTiFieD FrEaK💋💋 ComE TaKe My PaNtiEs OFF✔️✔️ 💨💨💦👅 BruNeTTe PlaYmAtE💋💋🌟🌟SPECIALS🌟🌟 - 25
(Norfolk, Norfolk, V.A. Beach)
🌺🌺🌺 Beautiful Companion 🌺🌺🌺 - 28
(Chesapeake, Hampton, Norfolk, Richmond, Upscale OUTCALL, Virginia Beach)
🎀HØ🎄HØ🎅HØ! X~mas SPCL $40 QV🎄🎁🎅Sweet 🍬THICK🍰 & Juicy💦 CøMe Un₩rAp ¥øur PreSeNt🎁🎁$60 HALF! - 23
I ❤ℒℴѵℯ my clients* 🕒NO RUSH🕑 🆆🅴🆃 ⛲🎢⛈🆆🅸🅻🅳 & 🅵🆁🅴🅰🅺🆈🙈⚡️🌟INcall - 22
(Chesapeake, Hampton, No. Military Northampton Ches VA Beach, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Virginia Beach)
Thu 02 Jan
$30 SPECIAL$ Leaving MON9AM! Nice BODI PICS 100% REAL 7708205835 Come Smash These Cakes :) - 20
(Norfolk, Northampton Blvd By I-64)
NEW!! Shemale Kylie Wild Adventure! ! Come Discover the Hidden Jewels - 26
(Norfolk, Norfolk/va beach)
Wake π Up Special! 6-9 A.M $40* ¤*¢ Luscious Lips√√ Soft Azz√√ Big DD's - 28
(Norfolk, military highway)
[×X×] * [×X×] * [×X×] NaUgHtY NiKkI YoUr WeStCoAsT SwEeThEaRt [×X×] * [×X×] * [×X×] - 26
(757 Outcalls Only!)
THICKEST ON BP‼️ (VISITING) Outstanding service, REAL PICS, AZZ clapping tricks &MORE;✅ $90 FETISH LIMITED 🕚 - 24
(Norfolk, Private location/ Ghent)
Your dreams will never be the same! Experience the tantalizing touch of a charmingly enticing beauty
°o★o° _ T o E _ C u r L i N g _ °o★o° _ N a u G h T y_G i R L _ °o★o° - 24
(--------(((NeW PiCS)))--------)
NeW tO Va!!!!!! SuPpEr DuPpEr sLuTtY WhOrE !! xXxtRa NaStY AnD HoRnEy !! I SwAlLow 2 !!
(oN My pHat CoOcHiE!!!!!)
* * * N E W * * E X C L U S I V E * * P E T I T E * * M O D E L * * V I S I T I N G * * - 21
(norfolk-virginia beach)
🌺🌺🌺 Beautiful Companion 🌺🌺🌺 - 28
(Chesapeake, Hampton, Norfolk, Richmond, Upscale OUTCALL, Virginia Beach)
AMAZiiNG °·° THiiCK°·° PRâ¬TTY° ♥ HOT°â¢Â° Tâ¬MPTiiNG ♥ °100%ReAl°° GRâ¬AT REVIâ¬WS! - 20
(Norfolk, °☆Diamond.Springs °☆°In/Out)
💋❤2 beautiful ladies💋❤AVAILABLE NOW!! FETISH FRIENDLY!!!! sexy kitten ready to play 💋❤💋❤ - 22
(Norfolk, Virginia Beach, 😘airport incall & outcalls ( 40 extra))
~¡°60 specials ¡!~ AtL's sExIeSt n mOsT bIgGeSt AzZ dAt'lL hAvE u MeZmArIzEd ¡!100% AlL mE °~! - 69
(Norfolk, Northampton blvd in calls)
**A True Companion** _ I'LL tell you EXACTLY why I'M the one for YOU - 19
(Where you want me:: IN N OUT)
*~*Military Discounts & 2 Girl Shows*~* Yes we go Nude,Yes you can touch,Yes Photos are 100% real - 25
(Norfolk, VABeach,Chesapeake,Hampton,Portsmouth)
💓💕💓 the BiG V. DaY iS almost HERE so HiT ThE SweEtest ChiK ON BP. 💓💕💓 - 26
(Norfolk, reallocated incall only)
Mon-Thurs Make Your Appointment!$40 Special!! BBW Lovers!!! COUGAR!!!! Nastiiee White Girl!!!!! - 30 - 30
(Norfolk, Ocean View)
Mention Ad for 30 0FF today and tomorrow ONLY!! Sinsation-great reviews-tall, leggy blonde ---- - 33
(Virginia Beach, Chesapeake/Norfolk)